Żuławska Loop
Tourist Route

Żuławska Loop
The Żuławy Loop is a waterway that links the water routes of the Vistula, Martwa Wisła, Szkarpawa, Wisła Królewiecka, Nogat, Wisła Śmiała, Wielka Świętej – Tuga, Motława, Jagielloński Channel, the Elbląg and Pasłęka rivers and the waters of the Vistula Lagoon. Its great advantage is the fact that it is extremely attractive both for tourists and nature.
Over 300 km of adventure awaits all participants! It is possible to cross the route by canoe, hausbot, motorboat or yacht – a lot depends on your individual preferences.
Importantly, the Żuławy Loop is part of the International Waterway E 70 running from Rotterdam, through the Berlin node of inland waterways, northern Poland, to Kaliningrad, and further along the Nemunas by water (Pregoła and Dejma to Klaipeda). A lot of ports, marinas, mooring bridges await the participants and it is in the highest possible quality!

Suggested tour routes
Units that can travel the route:
Yachts with a draft of up to 1 m and a height of up to approx. 2 m (please note that the water level in Tuga is variable). Possible start points: Gdańsk
The route to cross divided into days:
1. Gdańsk – Przegalina – Gdańsk Head – Rybina-Przystań Żeglarska in Osłonce
2. Casings – Elbląg
3. Elbląg – Malbork;
4. Malbork – Biała Góra;
5. Biała Góra – Tczew;
6. Tczew -Przegalina – Sobieszewo or Górki Zachodnie
7. Sobieszewo / Górki Zachodnie – Gdańsk
Rivers: Motława, Martwa Wisła, Wisła, Szkarpawa, Nogat, the Jagielloński Channel, the Elbląg River.
Difficulty level: If the weather is good, it is the right route for every water sportsman. Deterioration of conditions means that the Vistula becomes swayed and thus more difficult to navigate. When sailing in accordance with the boundary signs, navigation does not cause problems on the Vistula stretch, from Biała Góra to Przegalina. There is a need to screw the engine because of the vegetation on the Szkarpawa and Nogat.
Time: 7 days of calm sailing,
Length: approx. 200 km
The number of locks to overcome: 7
Number of bridges (drawbridge, revolving, pontoon): 7
Biggest attractions: Historic, cities worth seeing: Gdańsk, Elbląg, Malbork, Tczew. Sluices: Przegalina, Gdańsk Head and 4 sluices on the Nogat; drawbridges in Drewnica, Rybina and Elbląg, as well as other hydrotechnical objects that occur on the route; wild places and nature reserves.
Biggest attractions:
Drawbridge in Rybin and closed in Tujsk, Nowy Dwór Gdański and other hydrotechnical objects numerous on the trail, including the Chłodniewo pump station. City of Cyganek (Żuławy arcaded house, the Cemetery of the Eleven Villages and the Gothic Church), Nowy Dwór Gdański (Żuławy Museum).
Units that can travel the route:
Yachts with a draft of up to 1.4 m (with shortcuts on the Vistula, it is necessary to check messages about water levels) also sailing, provided that they can put a mast under some bridges (the lowest passage 3.7 – 3.3 m, depending on water level).
Starting place: Gdańsk.
The route along with the division for days:
1.Gdańsk-Przegalina-Gdańska Głowa-Rybina- Sztutowo
2.Sztutowo -Kąty Rybackie- Krynica Morska-Frombork
4.Rybina-Gdańsk Głowa – Przegalina – Gdańsk
Rivers and reservoirs: Motława, Martwa Wisła, Wisła, Szkarpawa, Wisła Królewiecka, the Vistula Lagoon. Difficulty level: The route from Gdańsk to the Vistula Lagoon can be defeated by every waterman. The Vistula Lagoon is the internal sea waters. The relevant permits and marine equipment of the unit apply here.
Time: 4 days of sailing,
Number of locks: 2
Number of bridges (drawbridge, revolving, pontoon): 5
Biggest attractions: Przegalina lock, Gdańsk Głowa lock, pontoon bridge in Sobieszewo, drawbridges in Drewnica and Rybina, arcaded houses in Żuławki, pump station Osłonka and Chłodniewo, as well as wild places and nature reserves.
Units that can overcome the route: Yachts with a draft of up to 1.4 m, also sailing, which – thanks to the modernization of the route – can cross the drawbridge in Przegalina.
Rivers: Wisła Królewiecka, the Vistula Lagoon, Szkarpawa.
Difficulty level:
A route for responsible sailors. It should be remembered that the Vistula Lagoon is classified as the internal sea waters. The relevant permits and marine equipment of the unit apply here. Duration: 4 days of recreational swimming.
Biggest attractions:
Drawbridge in Rybinie and Sztutowo. Numerous waterfowl at the entrance to the Vistula Lagoon. The Museum of the Vistula Lagoon, extraordinary beaches and recommendable fryers and fish smokehouses in Kąty Rybackie.
Units that can overcome the route: Ballast-sword boats with a draft of up to 1.4 meters will perform best.
Starting place: Gdańsk
1.Gdańsk -Przegalina -Gdańska Głowa Rybina.
2.Rybina- Nowy Dwór Gdański-Rybina.
3.Rybina-Gdańsk Głowa-Przegalina-Gdańsk.
Rivers: Szkarpawa, Tuga.
Difficulty level:
The route is suitable for most water sportsmen, although it is possible to have problems cleaning the screw clogged with the vegetation and the cooling system.
Time: 3 days,
Number of bridges (drawbridge, revolving, pontoon): 1
Biggest attractions:
Drawbridge in Rybin and closed in Tujsk, Nowy Dwór Gdański and other hydrotechnical objects numerous on the trail, including the Chłodniewo pump station. City of Cyganek (Żuławy arcaded house, the Cemetery of the Eleven Villages and the Gothic Church), Nowy Dwór Gdański (Żuławy Museum). Charming and peaceful wild places on the route.
Units that can cover the route: Yachts with a draft of up to 1 m and a height of up to approx. 2 m (depending on the water level in Tuga, which is variable).
Starting place: Gdańsk
They were built together with the Przekop Wisły. They constitute a barrier that separates the former river bank from the artificial channel. The facility has been equipped with two culverts – for ships and barges, as well as for smaller rafts. The locks served several thousand units annually. In the then Żuławy of the Vistula, they were of key importance for water transport. The construction of the South Sluice ended in 1982. The Northern Lock was shut down in 1992. Currently, it is a very interesting monument of old hydrotechnical thought.
Przegalińska district is also a lot of examples of old buildings. It is worth paying attention primarily to the house at ul. Urwista 17. Built in 1777 using a coronary structure. Interesting facilities – on the same street – are also houses No. 7, 10, 25, 27, 29, 30 and 37. Old buildings can also be seen at ul. Akwenowa (No. 2), Świbnieńska (No. 204) and Dulkowa 2.
Swimming Fender
The Błotnik swimming pool was built at the end of the 19th century. A marina was built on its shore, and the building was created as part of the “Żuławy Loop” project.
Port of Icebreakers
Once in Przegalina there was a base of the largest ice-breaker fleet in Pomerania. Units operate on the section from Włocławek up to the mouth of the Vistula. Icebreakers are stationed in the space of the historic Northern Lock.
Gdańska Głowa:
Gdańska Głowa is a sluice, which was built on the Szkarpawa in 1895 as part of the Vistula regulation. Thanks to it, it is possible to sail Szkarpawa, and at the same time protect Żuławy against floods. Once, right next to the lock, there was a famous fortress, for which various fights were held, because whoever had control over this place, also decided about trade traffic from Poland to Gdańsk and Elbląg.
Plan your holidays and sail around Żuławy!
Good to know
Particularly noteworthy is the extremely picturesque landscape of Żuławy. It is here that the plains are crossed by watercourses. Importantly, this is the only area in Poland that is partly below sea level – the lowest point in our country is in Raczki Elbląskie – it reaches 1.8 m in height.
In turn, the greatest depressions are located around Lake Druzno and near Nowy Dwór Gdański.
As many as 30% of the area of Żuławy Wiślane is depressed.

Żuławy Wiślane
Żuławy Wiślane they are concentrated around the Vistula Delta. They have the shape of an inverted triangle, and its top is the Vistula fork on the Nogat and Leniwka rivers. The basis is the Vistula Spit.